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Eurolithos is a GEOERA research project on European Ornamental Stone Resources

Although ornamental stone is today an important raw material produced all over Europe, its use locally and regionally is decreasing in many parts of Europe, along with related knowledge, traditions and skills.  


Eurolithos was founded upon the premise that increased knowledge of the geological quality and historical use of natural stone in Europe can stimulate more sustainable use of this resource, which will in turn benefit enterprise, promote cultural heritage, and contribute to developing effective land-use practices.


Our ambition is to establish a framework that will secure maintenance and continuation to ensure long-term life and growth of Eurolithos solutions


Eurolithos Objective 1

Eurolithos will establish a descriptive framework for natural stone resources in Europe and carry out inventories  in partner countries. Some national and regional databases on ornamental stones on the distribution of quarries and deposits already exist. Currently, inventories are fragmented and often lack detail. Therefore we will ensure that geological units/provinces are linked to quarries.



REVEALING the intrinsic value of European ornamental stone

The Eurolithos project will aim at raising the intrinsic value of European ornamental stones. This will stimulate more use and thus production of European stone and contribute to the maintenance, preservation and continuation of European cultural heritage.


Eurolithos Objective 2

Eurolithos will create a harmonised database of the broad range of information already available on ornamental stones. Information on the use (buildings, monuments, other) as well composition, physical and technical properties will be included. National databases will be coordinated and adapted to the GeoERA information platform.



Eurolithos Objective 3

Eurolithos will produce an atlas on European natural stones science-based information system that will identify, collect and harmonise existing available data on the provenance of European ornamental stones. The atlas will document ornamental stone resources with respects to location, the geology, overall use of stone and quarrying sites.



Eurolithos Objective 4

Natural stones shape our rural and urban landscapes, and have great historic and cultural significance which must be documented and protected. We will identify and valorise the cultural impact of natural stone and guidelines will be drafted for industry and decision makers.



Eurolithos Objective 5

Eurolithos will pursue good practices of communication, dissemination and stakeholder interaction. Nearly everyone has had contact with ornamental stone on a day-to-day basis. Hence, Eurolithos target diverse audience: construction managers, architects, students, historians and the general public in order to build networks that continue after this project ends.



Getting it done

The Eurolithos project team will accomplish the project objectives and through five work packages .

About: Text

ENGAGING in partnerships with GeoEra members to provide a harmonised natural stone information platform for the European community


In the context of the GeoEra partnership, the best way of contributing to meet the objectives is a natural stone information platform, providing documentation, databases and recommendations covering the most important aspects of natural stone resources in Europe; partly, by feeding existing solutions, and partly by adding new ones.

LAYING FOUNDATIONS for long-lasting solutions 


​Our ambition is to establish a framework that will secure maintenance and continuation to secure long-term life and growth of EuroLithos solutions.

©2021 by Eurolithos

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